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Counselors - Peers - Marriage and Family Therapists - Addiction Counselors
Psychologists - Social Workers - Pre-licensure Professionals - Interns

...for a diverse, competent, and sustainable behavioral healthcare workforce.

For $49 each year, advocates may access the discussion forums, and vote on policy, contributions, and endorsements.

COMBINE is a registered nonpartisan nonprofit Colorado Small Donor Committee.  Small Donor Committees may not accept more than $50 per year from natural persons as contributions.  The annual Advocate dues are a contribution to COMBINE. 

Advocate - $99.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year Automatic renewal (recurring payments)

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We need lobbyist money.  Donate! 

Donation goal

Larger clinics that see real benefits from COMBINE efforts please donate 1/10th of 1% of Medicaid revenue. (e.g. $500 on $500,000)
Collected: $17,899.00
Goal: $18,000.00

$99 annual dues, join today!

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